Positional-only Arguments

As you continue to explore Python, you'll come across the concept of function arguments. In Python, there are different ways to pass arguments to a function. We can have default arguments, keyword arguments, and positional arguments. But there's a specific kind of argument that can only be supplied by position and not by keyword, known as positional-only arguments.
Starting from Python 3.8, there is a special syntax / in function definitions to indicate that some arguments are positional-only. Positional-only arguments appear before a / in the function definition.
Consider this function that adds three numbers:
def add_numbers(a, b, c):
    return a + b + c
We can call this function by providing arguments in the order that they're defined, which is by position:
print(add_numbers(10, 20, 30))
# outputs: 60
And we can also call it using the names of the arguments, which is by keyword:
print(add_numbers(a=10, b=20, c=30))
# outputs: 60
But what if we want to make sure that some arguments are always provided in a specific order? That's where positional-only arguments come into play. Let's modify the add_numbers function to make a and b positional-only:
def add_numbers(a, b, /, c):
    return a + b + c
Now we can still call this function with arguments by position:
print(add_numbers(10, 20, 30))         # 60
print(add_numbers(a=10, b=20, c=30))   # TypeError
print(add_numbers(10, 20, c=30))       # 60
Yet, if we try to call it with the positional-only arguments as keyword arguments, we'll get a TypeError. In this case, we must provide a and b by position. The argument c can be supplied either by position or keyword:
So, the syntax for positional-only arguments is:
  1. The positional-only arguments come before a / in the function definition.
  1. If / is present in the function definition, arguments before it are positional-only.
  1. Positional-only arguments can't be passed by keyword.
  1. Arguments after / can be passed by position or keyword.
Are there built-in functions in Python that have positional-only arguments?
Yes, many built-in Python functions do have positional-only arguments. The abs() function, for instance, is a good example:
# Help on built-in function abs in module builtins:
# abs(x, /)
#     Return the absolute value of the argument.

abs(-6)    # 6
abs(x=-6)  # TypeError: abs() takes no keyword arguments
The parameter x in abs is a positional-only argument and when we try to pass it to the function call as a keyword argument, the program throws a TypeError.
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