Limpar os registos
Os ficheiros de registo geralmente contêm carimbos de data/hora que indicam quando o evento ocorreu e níveis de log (INFO, TRACE, ERROR). A tua tarefa é remover essa informação para que apenas permaneça a parte importante.
contém os registos originais.O programa deve imprimir os registos limpos na saída.
__03/22 08:51:01 INFO :...locate_configFile: Specified configuration file: /u/user10/rsvpd1.conf
03/22 08:51:01 INFO :.main: Using log level 511
03/22 08:51:01 INFO :..settcpimage: Get TCP images rc - EDC8112I Operation not supported on socket.
03/22 08:51:01 INFO :..settcpimage: Associate with TCP/IP image name = TCPCS
03/22 08:51:02 INFO :..reg_process: registering process with the system
03/22 08:51:02 INFO :..reg_process: attempt OS/390 registration
03/22 08:51:02 INFO :..reg_process: return from registration rc=0
03/22 08:51:06 TRACE :...read_physical_netif: Home list entries returned = 7
03/22 08:51:06 INFO :...read_physical_netif: index #0, interface VLINK1 has address, ifidx 0
03/22 08:51:06 INFO :...read_physical_netif: index #1, interface TR1 has address, ifidx 1
03/22 08:51:06 INFO :...read_physical_netif: index #2, interface LINK11 has address, ifidx 2
03/22 08:51:06 INFO :...read_physical_netif: index #3, interface LINK12 has address, ifidx 3
:...locate_configFile: Specified configuration file: /u/user10/rsvpd1.conf
:.main: Using log level 511
:..settcpimage: Get TCP images rc - EDC8112I Operation not supported on socket.
:..settcpimage: Associate with TCP/IP image name = TCPCS
:..reg_process: registering process with the system
:..reg_process: attempt OS/390 registration
:..reg_process: return from registration rc=0
:...read_physical_netif: Home list entries returned = 7
:...read_physical_netif: index #0, interface VLINK1 has address, ifidx 0
:...read_physical_netif: index #1, interface TR1 has address, ifidx 1
:...read_physical_netif: index #2, interface LINK11 has address, ifidx 2
:...read_physical_netif: index #3, interface LINK12 has address, ifidx 3
Time limit: 2 seconds
Memory limit: 512 MB
Output limit: 1 MB