You have a digital clock that lits up some segments to display the current time. Each digit is displayed as a collection of several lit-up and dimmed segments. For instance, the number 0 lits up all the segments on the edges, leaving the middle dimmed. The number 8, on the other hand, lits up all the segments. The number 1, lits only the rightmost segments, leaving the rest dimmed.
You know the current time in hours and minutes (hh:mm). Youβre interested in when will your clock display exactly k lit-up segments (excluding the middle dots :). In case such configuration is not possible, i.e there will never be k lit segments on the clock then output Impossible.
The input contains two lines. The first line is the time (hh:mm) format. The next line contains an integer k (5 β€ k β€ 30).
The program should output the hour and minute of when is the closest time the clock will have k segments lit up.